• +8801894799049
  • fm@fmc-bd.com

Indirect Taxation (VAT) Services

 VAT documentation, return filing and other VAT services up to VAT divisional

  1. Advising on proper withholding of VAT from the payments to different categories of service
    renderers and depositing the same within due time;
  2. Advising on and assisting the client in maintaining books and records in the prescribed forms as required by the VAT Law and issuing certificates in the designated forms within the required time frame with respect to VAT deducted at source;
  3. Conducting computation of net VAT liability considering output tax liability, input tax credit, increasing and decreasing adjustments;
  4. Preparation and submission of the monthly VAT Return of the client and to attend the hearing to answer the queries, if any, raised by the VAT Authority on the same.

VAT services at the Commissioner of VAT Appeals:

  1. Reviewing VAT assessments/notices issued by the Divisional Officer of VAT and advising on the way forward;
  2. Advising and reviewing the documents to be prepared by the client in support of the documents to be submitted in hearing within the required time frame;
  3. Preparing form of Appeal, Grounds of Appeal and Power of Representation and computing the required VAT liability (20%) to be deposited prior to filing the appeal;
  4.  Attending the hearing before the VAT Commissioner;
  5.  Following up regularly to expedite the disposal of the appellate order;
  6.  Obtaining Appeal Order from the Commissioner of VAT.

VAT services at VAT Appellate Tribunal (2nd Appeal):

  1.  Reviewing VAT assessment/order issued by the Commissioner of VAT and advising on the way forward;
  2. Advising and reviewing the documents to be prepared by a company in support of the documents to be submitted in hearing within the required time frame;
  3. Preparing form of Appeal, Grounds of Appeal and Power of Representation and computing the required VAT liability (20%) to be deposited prior to filing the appeal;
  4. Attending hearing before the Appellate Tribunal, Customs, Excise & VAT;
  5. Following up regularly to expedite the disposal of the appellate order;
  6.  Obtaining Order of the VAT Tribunal.

Other VAT services:

Upon requirement of the client, advising on & reviewing various local regulatory matters &
compliances, particularly on Value Added Tax.